Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Matthew 25 Project

We are very excited about this year's Matthew 25 Project
Our goal is to recruit approximately 45  Kansas City area churches to assemble crews of about 10 folks and work on a house painting project for one day during the Matthew 25 Project.

Dates: Monday - Thursday,   June 22-25
(We will use Friday as a make up day in case we get rained out during the week)

More information at the Website:  

As churches register for the project they will be assigned to a specific house and work day and they will also be paired with another church from the Kansas City area. Monday through Thursday each of the six homes we will be painting, will have two teams working together for the day. 

Visit the website and/or contact Jeff Buscher  (816-415-7560) at William
Jewell College for more information.   Last year was our first y
ear for this project and we were structured more as a
 residential camp/missions experience with stud
ent groups staying at the college. (See article posted on a nearby blog)   Th
is year we are inviting local churches to get involved 
and serve locally and build relationships with churches from all across the metro area.