Monday, January 5, 2009

Our group has learned why the old song says, "God Bless the rains down in Africa..." Water storage and conservation is critical for daily life, and it reinforces the importance of this project. We have determined that every bucket of dirt we remove, means a bucket of water for someone in the future. 

Today we made huge progress on the water tank. We nearly have all the dirt removed from the hole. Using picks, shovels, buckets and ropes, we will complete the "dig" tomorrow. To celebrate this portion of the project, we may go swimming at a nearby hotel at the end of the day.

Our trip to Nairobi yesterday was a great adventure. Never again will we complain about road conditions or traffic in Kansas City! And did I mention the British influence here also means they drive on the opposite side of the road than us folks in the states.

Yesterday a handful of new students arrived at the university for orientation. And some of our group went to the evening welcome program. At one point in the program they invited (read grabbed) new students from the crowd and put them onstage. Among the "victims" was my son James. The played a few games and pranks, it was pretty funny. He got a lot of ribbing about being a new student. Thanks again for your prayers and support, The team is doing very well, and we look forward to beginning our second week in Kenya!  Peace,  Jeff 

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