Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Headed to Honduras

Greetings Friends,

It's been awhile since our last adventure. We have wrapped up another great school year, and in just a few days a small group from Jewell will be traveling to Honduras to do some logistical work with our village partners near Esparta. The village is called Embarcadero and last January a team from Jewell partnered with some folks from Guatemala to introduce and build 2 composting latrines. We are going to see if they completed the third latrine and visit with them about the future of our partnership.  Pictured here is one of the homes in Embarcadero. Our plan for our next trip is to stay in the village 24/7 with our partners. Possibly camping out in the school building. With no electricity and no clean water, we will be doing some extensive planning to assure a safe and productive time while we are there next January.  Our upcoming trip will be from May 29 - June 2.  I look forward to sharing more about the trip soon.  Olah,  Jeff

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